Posts Tagged ‘lawn irrigation’

Sprinkler Anchor Animated

June 6, 2008

Above Ground Watering SystemJust wanted to show an animation that was created to show how easy the Sprinkler Anchor system is to install.  Its getting HOT and lawns need water to keep them alive and green!  The Sprinkler Anchor System is so affordable, you can’t go wrong by installing this system in your yard.  The system installs in minutes for those of you that hear the word “install” and immediately think “too much work” .  If you know how to hit with a hammer and hook up a water hose, then no worries. 

The Sprinkler Anchor!

June 6, 2008

Just wanted to talk a bit about a product that I sell for the company that I work for.  It is a brand new patented product called the Sprinkler Anchor.  To explain the item, it is an anchor that is used for any type of hose end sprinkler that is on a spike.  It simplifys the use of these types of lawn sprinklers.  We also sell an entire system called the Sprinkler Anchor System.  This system is a 2 station system.  It includes 2 Sprinkler Anchors, 2 Sprinkler Anchor Debris Lids, 1 brass sprinkler, 1 set of quick connecters, 1 mechanical water timer and 1 2 foot convenience water hose.  The system is extremely fast and easy to install.  All you have to do is hammer the Sprinkler Anchors into the ground where you like and then hook the quick connectors, convenience hose, sprinkler and timer to your main hose, drop the sprinkler into the Anchor, set the timer and walk away.  It is the easiest and most affordable way to water your lawn.  Because the Sprinkler Anchors are permanent, you never have to wonder where you are going to place your lawn sprinklers again.  This product is brand new and you can’t even buy it in stores yet.  Check it out: